Naso Tang
Naso lituratus
Naso Tang

Identification:  One of the most beautiful fish in the hobby. There are two versions of this tang. The Naso and the Blonde Naso.
                         Both are a great fish with a lot of personality. The facial make-up of this fish is awesome. The lips are orange
                         and yellow edged almost like it is wearing lipstick. As the males get larger,  the tips of the tail will begin to stream,
                         meaning they may flow behind the fish up to 3-4 inches. As juveniles the male and female can not be differentiated. 

Maximum Length: 19 - 20"

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Minimum tank size:  135 Gal.

Behavior: Should be provided with plenty of open swimming space and suitable hiding places. Some Naso's can be hand trained  to eat from your hand. They can get so excited when you approach the tank just waiting for food.

Feeding and diet:  Varied diet consisting of mostly dried marine algae or frozen marine food for herbivores. As they get older will accept brine shrimp, plankton, ghost shrimp but still provide marine algae as it is essential to their diet.

Reef Compatibility: This species makes an excellent marine aquarium species because it is both very hardy and relatively peaceful towards other tank inhabitants. This species also makes an excellent marine reef aquarium species as it will not pick at invertebrates, however it may decimate the aquarium of any macro algae.

Cautions:  May be aggressive towards members of the same species. Like most fish in the Surgeon Fish Family, the Naso has sharp knifelike blades by it's tail.  Use extreme caution when handling them as they can slice you pretty good.  


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