Red Serpent Starfish
Ophioderma squamosissimus

Identification: Bright, solid red starfish with long legs. 5-sided disc with five banded, scaly arms

Maximum Length: 12"

Origin: Western Atlantic

Minimum tank size: 30 Gallon

Behavior: Secretive during the day as all starfish are. It does well in an aquarium if provided with ample hiding places and plenty of room to roam. Even though it is a nocturnal animal, it will eventually learn to come out during the day to eat. It is very sensitive to high levels of copper-based medications and will become sluggish if the nitrate levels are too high.

Feeding and diet: Scavenger. Will get any leftover food and detritus in the tank. Should occasionally be hand fed a piece of meaty food to ensure it is getting enough to eat.

Reef Compatibility: Excellent addition to any reef assist in removing excess detritus and uneaten food

Cautions: Very sensitive to pH and salinity changes. Recommend acclimating into new tank on a drip line over several hours.

Optimum Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4

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