Shovel- Nosed Ray
Rhynchobatus djiddensis
Guitar Nose Ray

Identification:  Large adults are nearly black in color but young specimens are much lighter
                         in color and often have whitish spots.

Origin:  Broadly distributed in cool temperate to tropical waters in most seas except the
              central Pacific and most of the Indian Ocean.

Maximum Length: They can grow more than 3 meters long.

Minimum tank size: 150 Gallon

Behavior: They are also called, Sharkfin Guitarfishes, Shovel-Nosed Shark, Guitar Fish etc.
                  This is not really a shark but a closely related part of the ray family. It tends to move
                  like a shark in the water with the typical swaying movement but acts like a ray when
                  it is on the bottom. This creature is not dangerous but can grow big and is often
                  interested in diver's and will come right up to them

Feeding and diet: Small fishes, crustaceans, squid and octopuses, bivalves and sea-snails.

Reef Compatibility: Definitely Not.

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