Splendid Dottyback
Pseudochromis splendens
Hippocampus Barbouri


Behavior:   In aquariums they are relatively peaceful, and a suitable for community fish tanks. Once paired the Splendid Dottyback can spawn every 10-14 days and can have large egg masses of over 800 eggs. The eggs hatch quickly in 4-5 days and will remain as larval fish for about 30 days until metamorphosis.

Maximum Length:  up to 8"

Origin Eastern Indonesia and the Northwest coast of Australia.

Minimum tank size:   30 Gallon

Feeding and diet:   The Pseudochromis splendens is a carnivore and likes to eat variety of meat treats, brine shrimp, prepared foods.

Cautions: The Splendid Psuedochromis is a low maintenance fish and may act semi-aggressively toward other fish

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